Sunday, November 14, 2010


I've mentioned a couple times that I really dislike my job.  I figured I might as well get it out of the way and tell you why.  For one, I have a college degree I'm not using.  For two, I'm in retail.  The rest should be self explanatory.  Outside work, I'm pretty cool.  At work, I believe my happiness drains as soon as I clock in.  Visual aid is hardly necessary...but here goes.

I wouldn't say that it's just working in general that makes me less than blissful.  I don't like the general masses of people I have to deal with every day.  Not to say I'm antisocial and mean; I have actually had some great conversations with customers who come in the store.  Talking about good movies, good music, and zombies all day...yeah, there are way worse ways to throw away my potential in life.  There are those fair few, though.  You know the ones.  The creepers that don't respect your personal space or the hag with death breath.  Those are bad enough, but then the simpletons come out to play.

I will admit, I'm always tempted to say no.

Enough about how the general mall-going public can suck.  Let's talk employers.  As soon as I walk into the store on my first day back to work since my non-biological sister's visit, my boss says, "Jeni, read this over and sign it.  One more strike will result in termination."  Yeah, sure, I don't really think it'll break my heart.  I've never kept a job for more than 6 months (except the one at the funeral home that didn't pay me).  The next day:

So, they are seriously ready to fire their most recent Employee of the Month.  Whatever.  I can sell people anything as long as I have time to talk to them, and no manager standing around.  It seems every time I make any kind of mistake, my 2nd in command manager is around and she yells at me in front of customers and I'm really f***ing sick of it, but I have these things called responsibilities, and unfortunately, those responsibilities require money.  I can't quit.  I just quit my last job 3 months ago.  However, if the bookstore I just applied to calls me back, ZOOM!  I'm out.

1 comment:

  1. Dude I get it, I'll be sending positive mojo your way if you send positive mojo my way for a job! :D
